ChandraLiu MeiPerna
Chandra Liu Mei Perna
Leader Skill:
Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters by 24%.

By: 11/08/2022 Phouss1

Bolverk Amelia Windy
By: sosɑ on 11/11/2022
Overall: 5.0 (1 Rating)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 44%.

Theomars Jultan Woosa
By: PastelDoPanda on 11/22/2022
Overall: 4.3 (3 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Critical Rate of ally monsters by 24%.

Xing ZheWoosaWindy
Xing Zhe Woosa Windy
By: Weev on 09/14/2023
Overall: 4.3 (3 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters by 33%.

Strategy: There is not much the enemy team can do to you provided your woosa is fast enough. It would take a lot of enemy procs to turn the game around.
By: Weev on 09/14/2023

Chandra Miles Anavel
By: Neartv on 06/02/2024
Overall: 4.0 (1 Rating)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters by 24%.

Verad Vigor Chow
By: Phouss1 on 11/08/2022
Overall: 4.0 (1 Rating)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters by 33%.

Galleon Poseidon Tiana
By: Kashwana on 05/15/2023
Overall: 3.0 (1 Rating)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%.

Truffle Kaki Triana
By: Neartv on 06/02/2024
Overall: 3.0 (1 Rating)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%.

ChowLulu and FriendsJubelle
Chow Lulu and Friends Jubelle
By: Tᴀᴠᴏ on 06/20/2023
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Defense of ally monsters with Water attribute by 50%.

DiasLulu and FriendsVigor
Dias Lulu and Friends Vigor
By: D34THW41K3R on 05/25/2023
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Resistance of ally monsters by 30%.

Galleon Tiana Grogen
By: Fatal__3rror on 07/03/2023
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%.

Lucia Beth Cayde
By: nStein152 on 05/30/2023
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Critical Rate of ally monsters in the Arena by 33%.

Strategy: Although has no leader, this team works very well. Cayde/dhalsim tanks all. Uses Beth bruiser with artefacts anti water. Beth kills the enemies slowly and Lucia heals very well.
By: nStein152 on 05/30/2023

Malite Vigor Chacha
By: renect on 02/21/2023
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters with Wind attribute by 40%.

Xing ZheFeng YanRiley
Xing Zhe Feng Yan Riley
By: Kashwana on 07/11/2023
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters by 33%.
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