Bernard Megan Lushen
Leader Skill:
Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters with Wind attribute by 30%.

By: 03/10/2020 VR.Poison
AOE Ignore defense, can be very fast
Squishy attacker, ineffective against fire units

Galleon Yen Orion
By: D4ng3r0uS on 11/02/2020
Overall: 5.0 (2 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%.

Strategy: Just outspeed and one hit lushen and you gucci
By: D4ng3r0uS on 11/02/2020

Zaiross Leo Bastet
By: VR.Poison on 03/10/2020
Overall: 5.0 (2 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters by 33%.

Strategy: As long as Leo is on offense, Bernard cannot pose a threat. Use any atb boost and fire nuke to deal with Lushen.
By: VR.Poison on 03/10/2020

Galleon Lushen Bernard
By: 핑크젤리 on 03/18/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%.

Galleon Lushen Frigate
By: D4ng3r0uS on 11/02/2020
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%.

Strategy: Any comb works that outspeeds and one hits lushen
By: D4ng3r0uS on 11/02/2020

Gin Dova Lushen
By: D34THW41K3R on 06/10/2022
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters with Light attribute by 30%.

Jamire Dova Lushen
By: D34THW41K3R on 05/19/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters by 24%.

Miho Halphas Sian
By: D4ng3r0uS on 11/02/2020
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Defense of ally monsters in Guild Content by 21%.

Strategy: If this Team Fails, youre doin smth wrong
By: D4ng3r0uS on 11/02/2020

Nisha Harmonia Miho
By: VR.Poison on 05/28/2020
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Resistance of ally monsters in Guild Content by 40%.

Strategy: Build a super fast Nisha. If she goes first, then use skill three. Harmonia is here if you do not outspeed, and Miho just wont die to crits.
By: VR.Poison on 05/28/2020

VelajuelPernaXiong Fei
Velajuel Perna Xiong Fei
By: ArdarR on 06/16/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters with Fire attribute by 50%.

Xing ZheArielLeo
Xing Zhe Ariel Leo
By: LuxorBe on 04/28/2022
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters by 33%.
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