A very special thanks to 006 for helping me figure out how to calculate the connected towers, and another special thanks to MageEye and Mazo for the inspiration to create this new feature.
Special note: the new siege map published by Com2us on March 23, 2025 is lopsided graphically. This is not a SWGT graphical display issue.
This tool is designed to allow players to simulate different scenarios in a siege or siege tournament battle.
How to use:
Click on a tower to change it's properties. The map and battle statistics will update automatically. It's that simple.
You can currently set the guild ownership of each tower, any style (targets and prohibits), notes and base remaining HP %.
Import/Export functionality:
Similar to SWOP, the Siege Simulator allows you to export or import files from your computer. This allows users to share their map setup with others, archive maps, handle defaults, and more!