Carcano Celia Woosa
Leader Skill:
Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%.

By: 10/10/2022 JePhx

Galleon Tiana Kaki
By: Alex4688655 on 12/06/2022
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%.

Strategy: After Woosa moved, you have to move with Tiana (immediately after Woosa) to remove all beneficial effects. After that you try to put on a def break to finish the def with kaki. You can also use other dds instead of kaki. Also a other def breaker instead of Galleone.

<G3 offense approved>
By: Alex4688655 on 12/06/2022
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