Carcano Eladriel Nicki
Leader Skill:
Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%.

By: 01/22/2024 Johnny_B_Evil
Def break, heal block, res. quite lot of healing from both Nicki and Eladriel. Damage spike on viol from Carcano & ATK built Nicki (hit into def break)
ATK built Nicki could be squishy.
Attack Sequence:
Focus Carcano and preferably Nicky as well, after resurrection by archangel - clear his soul protection buff with Miles and kill archangel, than finish off the rest.

Ariel Windy Miles
By: Johnny_B_Evil on 01/22/2024
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters with Water attribute by 50%.

Strategy: Windy tanks Carcano. Keep s3 of Ariel ready to clear up heal denial debuff from Nicki. Focus Carcano (or Nicky, whoever is squishy) to catch Eladriel on low health after the ressurection. Strip his soul protection buff with Miles, than kill him, than kill the rest.
By: Johnny_B_Evil on 01/22/2024
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