Carcano Vigor Triana
Leader Skill:
Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%.

By: 04/05/2021 Dearnees

MaliteLulu and FriendsVigor
Malite Lulu and Friends Vigor
By: Bomber on 05/27/2021
Overall: 4.6 (37 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters with Wind attribute by 40%.

Strategy: make sure Malite 100% res and Malite + 2a vigor on destroy. kill fire unit first. ez pz for G3. build dupes for ez ao siege
By: Bomber on 05/27/2021

TractorLulu and FriendsWindy
Tractor Lulu and Friends Windy
By: sosɑ on 10/07/2021
Overall: 4.4 (27 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 21%.

Strategy: kill carcano first
By: dunguyen24491 on 02/03/2022

Martina Shaina Triana
By: JaxxBeatz on 05/06/2021
Overall: 4.4 (11 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%.

Strategy: First focus carcano then, vigor -> triana
By: JaxxBeatz on 05/06/2021

Skogul Chloe Kahli
By: Cutie83 on 04/02/2022
Overall: 4.3 (3 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Defense of ally monsters by 22%.

Sabrina Talia Chloe
By: Dearnees on 04/05/2021
Overall: 4.1 (71 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Accuracy of ally monsters in Guild Content by 40%.

Strategy: target sniper first then GGGG
By: on 04/25/2021

Strategy: Put Twins on Will for secure
By: Zar_Nophal on 08/31/2021

Vigor Kaki Triana
By: rrammz on 04/22/2021
Overall: 4.0 (47 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters in Guild Content by 21%.

Strategy: Focus on carcano first, then finish the rest
By: rrammz on 04/22/2021

Sabrina Talia Fran
By: Lil2Moro on 11/16/2021
Overall: 4.0 (9 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Accuracy of ally monsters in Guild Content by 40%.

Strategy: Focus Carcano, twins on will for safety
By: ZyDrew on 06/23/2022

1.) Carcano
2.) Vigor
3.) autoplay
By: Latte+ on 03/01/2024

Karl Skogul Racuni
By: x3iSky on 11/30/2021
Overall: 4.0 (1 Rating)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters by 25%.

Strategy: Karl on double will + anything
Racuni minimally 4 spd slower than Karl
Skogul high resist vamp destroy no need spd tuning

Turn Order
Karl s1 carcano (self atk buff) > racuni s2 karl > karl s3 carcano (kill)
Skogul solos 1v2 even if karl and racuni dies
By: x3iSky on 11/30/2021

Strategy: This worked perfectly for me, Thanks!
By: gng4life on 01/11/2024

Khmun Chloe Mina
By: Ltuzia on 08/27/2021
Overall: 4.0 (1 Rating)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters by 19%.

Kahli Chloe Skogul
By: Ggame0over on 05/05/2021
Overall: 3.9 (35 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Critical Rate of ally monsters with Fire attribute by 23%.

Strategy: buff with chloe, then snipe with kahli triana
By: Ggame0over on 05/05/2021

Strategy: Vamp skogul on will also works
By: ManoDeDios33 on 06/25/2021

Strategy: skogul 100% res
By: rapa on 06/05/2021

Susano Megan Stella
By: Gravefilla on 05/18/2021
Overall: 3.9 (12 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters with Water attribute by 30%.

Sabrina Talia Harmonia
By: D34THW41K3R on 05/14/2021
Overall: 3.8 (20 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Accuracy of ally monsters in Guild Content by 40%.

Carcano Iris Triana
By: Arquimago on 06/04/2021
Overall: 3.8 (4 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%.

Vigor Fran Kaki
By: verad99spd on 09/27/2021
Overall: 3.8 (4 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters in Guild Content by 21%.

Aegir Vigor Sin
By: BLLZDEEP on 05/14/2021
Overall: 3.4 (12 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%.

VigorLulu and FriendsWindy
Vigor Lulu and Friends Windy
By: xlon1234 on 08/20/2021
Overall: 3.3 (8 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters in Guild Content by 21%.

Strategy: Kill Carcano first if your windy isn't tanky enough. Vigor and Lulu needs to be one vio, really tanky and decently fast so that they can survive 3v2 vigor and triana once carcano dies. Windy should be on destroy runes to reduce vigor dmg by destroying his hp and slowing him down.
My stats(before towers):
Vigor: 50k hp and 1.1k def 251spd
Lulu: 35k hp and 1.5k def 210spd
Windy: 42k hp and 1.5k def 200spd
By: xlon1234 on 08/20/2021

Strategy: 1st Carcano, 2nd triana, finish vigor... if dont have Lulu, can replace whit Elucia, she can control all team enemy whit freez and sleep ;)
By: facu1208 on 09/07/2023

Carcano Konamiya Lushen
By: PapiSmooth on 07/12/2021
Overall: 3.3 (3 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%.

Strategy: You must outspeed with Kona, boost Lushen attack bar, and cleave them with his S3.
By: AmethystAura on 12/05/2022

SinLulu and FriendsChilling
Sin Lulu and Friends Chilling
By: astcloud11 on 08/17/2021
Overall: 3.3 (3 Ratings)

Leader Skill: None

Strategy: I have my Sin/Chilling on Vio/Destroy. Kill order Carcano / Triana / Vigor
By: astcloud11 on 08/17/2021

Carcano Molly Vigor
By: ArchmageGromph on 05/07/2021
Overall: 3.2 (5 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%.

FranLulu and FriendsKaki
Fran Lulu and Friends Kaki
By: [ĐireBlüe] on 06/04/2021
Overall: 3.1 (8 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters by 10%.

Strategy: Will runes helps on all your units. Can put one shield set on Lulu or Fran. Kill Carcano first
By: drakebalrog on 08/02/2022

Kahli Skogul Triana
By: Battle_Drake on 10/01/2021
Overall: 3.0 (3 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Critical Rate of ally monsters with Fire attribute by 23%.

Strategy: Kahli S3 on himself, then S2 on Triana to kill her. Aftere triana is dead, skogul wins it
By: Battle_Drake on 10/01/2021

Carcano Chilling Triana
By: 1SNIZY on 06/03/2022
Overall: 3.0 (1 Rating)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%.

Karl Konamiya Atenai
By: on 07/05/2021
Overall: 3.0 (1 Rating)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters by 25%.

Susano Mina Icaru
By: lDiegore on 01/24/2023
Overall: 3.0 (1 Rating)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters with Water attribute by 30%.

Strategy: Kill Carcano first, then Vigor and you win.
By: lDiegore on 01/24/2023

Galleon Orion Stella
By: BirgerBrosa on 04/08/2021
Overall: 2.8 (8 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%.

Strategy: Hope Carcano isn't on will, or hope that orion strips will off carcano.
By: BirgerBrosa on 04/08/2021

Olivia Bulldozer Lulu
By: on 04/25/2021
Overall: 2.5 (6 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Defense of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%.

Strategy: nuke trianna > sniper > vigor
By: on 04/25/2021

Sabrina Talia Triana
By: Lazy~ on 05/09/2021
Overall: 2.5 (2 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Accuracy of ally monsters in Guild Content by 40%.

Strategy: focus vigor or carcano, focus on the easiest
By: PieroAnthony on 12/11/2022

Bolverk Amelia Skogul
By: Fatal__3rror on 05/04/2021
Overall: 2.2 (5 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 44%.

Emma Sin Windy
By: duongnam1998 on 07/13/2021
Overall: 2.2 (5 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Resistance of ally monsters in Guild Content by 40%.

MomoLulu and FriendsPerna
Momo Lulu and Friends Perna
By: Vylant on 06/10/2022
Overall: 2.0 (1 Rating)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 44%.

Garo Verdehile Raoq
By: Pires. on 06/06/2022
Overall: 1.8 (4 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters with Fire attribute by 30%.

Strategy: Go for Carcano first, then vigor
Raoq 2a is a must
By: Pires. on 06/06/2022

Susano Mina Konamiya
By: MargeryDaw on 05/03/2021
Overall: 1.6 (5 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters with Water attribute by 30%.

Strategy: Play order Mina> Kona boosting mina > Susano, focus on vigor and then Carcano
By: MargeryDaw on 05/03/2021

Vigor Malite Sin
By: Lazy~ on 05/09/2021
Overall: 1.0 (3 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters in Guild Content by 21%.

Elucia Sian Sin
By: Lazy~ on 05/09/2021
Overall: 1.0 (2 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Resistance of ally monsters by 20%.

Leo Abellio Daphnis
By: ArdarR on 06/17/2021
Overall: 1.0 (2 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Defense of ally monsters with Wind attribute by 50%.

Praline Taru Covenant
By: alphriel on 11/11/2023
Overall: 1.0 (1 Rating)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters by 19%.

Strategy: Praline boosts, Taru takes out Triana, Covenant takes out Vigor. Carcano left alone will probably hit Praline or Taru (if defense broken), regardless, Covenant can finish.
By: alphriel on 11/11/2023

AegirLulu and FriendsVigor
Aegir Lulu and Friends Vigor
By: DeusNox on 05/05/2021
Overall: 0.5 (2 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%.

Tractor Vigor Lulu
By: Lazy~ on 05/09/2021
Overall: 0.5 (2 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 21%.

Tractor Elucia Windy
By: Travv801™ on 03/11/2022
Overall: 0.0 (1 Rating)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 21%.

TractorWater Jack-o'-lanternLulu and Friends
Tractor Water Jack-o'-lantern Lulu and Friends
By: artik210 on 12/04/2021
Overall: 0.0 (1 Rating)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 21%.

TractorSinLulu and Friends
Tractor Sin Lulu and Friends
By: ehcanaG on 09/30/2021
Overall: 0.0 (1 Rating)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 21%.

Strategy: Vamp+Destroy on both Tractor and Sin
Carc > Vigor > Triana but Vigor first would work too
By: ehcanaG on 09/30/2021

Aaliyah Aegir Alicia
By: asa920999 on 07/28/2022
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: None

Abellio Abigail Adrian
By: sodiss35 on 10/18/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: None

Aquila Carrack Sian
By: on 05/20/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters by 25%.

Strategy: slow cleave by bomb.
aquilla aoe strip and buff atk
sian throw the bomb
carrack skill3 ignite target trianna.
By: on 05/20/2021

Baleygr Lushen Teon
By: JePhx on 05/14/2022
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters in Guild Content by 44%.

Bernard Teon Lushen
By: ♿∴웃∴ on 09/04/2023
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters with Wind attribute by 30%.

Carcano Hwadam Triana
By: sosɑ on 04/05/2022
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%.

Carcano Imesety Bulldozer
By: Neartv on 06/11/2024
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%.

Carcano Iris Ritesh
By: Arquimago on 06/06/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%.

CarcanoLulu and FriendsTriana
Carcano Lulu and Friends Triana
By: ArchmageGromph on 08/11/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%.

Carcano Molly Malite
By: buffartarag2021 on 09/09/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%.

Carcano Woosa Laika
By: Kiyyun on 06/04/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%.

Celine Copper Elucia
By: Emr301 on 03/22/2022
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Defense of ally monsters with Wind attribute by 40%.

Delphoi Elucia Kaki
By: ArchmageGromph on 07/07/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Defense of ally monsters with Wind attribute by 40%.

DongbaekTractorLulu and Friends
Dongbaek Tractor Lulu and Friends
By: Kiyyun on 07/02/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Defense of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%.

Emma Tetra Sin
By: D34THW41K3R on 06/28/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Resistance of ally monsters in Guild Content by 40%.

Strategy: Carcano first. Sin needs enough hp to withstand a few Vigor vio procs.
By: Frozboz on 11/08/2021

Eshir Vigor Triana
By: DJPao on 04/14/2022
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 21%.

Strategy: focus Carcano then Vigor.
By: DJPao on 04/14/2022

Feng YanDagoraLeo
Feng Yan Dagora Leo
By: ArchmageGromph on 01/08/2022
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Defense of ally monsters in Guild Content by 44%.

Feng YanMihaelVelajuel
Feng Yan Mihael Velajuel
By: Junior_Arcadia on 05/14/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Defense of ally monsters in Guild Content by 44%.

Feng YanPernaVelajuel
Feng Yan Perna Velajuel
By: Nofgiven on 05/23/2022
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Defense of ally monsters in Guild Content by 44%.

Feng YanTalcVelajuel
Feng Yan Talc Velajuel
By: Junior_Arcadia on 05/12/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Defense of ally monsters in Guild Content by 44%.

Feng YanVelajuelAriel
Feng Yan Velajuel Ariel
By: LuxorBe on 04/28/2022
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Defense of ally monsters in Guild Content by 44%.

Frigate Lushen Kahli
By: Lazy~ on 05/09/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%.

Strategy: fat lushen, 2a Kahli, super fast Frigate
By: Lazy~ on 05/09/2021

Galleon Berenice Julie
By: [ĐireBlüe] on 06/28/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%.

Galleon Bernard Julie
By: Neartv on 05/26/2024
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%.

Galleon Eshir Leah
By: Neartv on 04/30/2024
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%.

Galleon Iselia Leah
By: Glacia on 04/03/2023
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%.

Galleon Miho Clara
By: jokerknoxx on 09/13/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%.

Gemini Kahli Leah
By: Alashya on 02/27/2023
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters by 19%.

Harmonia Eshir Kaki
By: mezili on 06/28/2024
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%.

HarmoniaLulu and FriendsMina
Harmonia Lulu and Friends Mina
By: Neartv on 05/24/2024
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%.

Harmonia Skogul Kahli
By: Mailman on 02/16/2023
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%.

Harmonia Vigor Roid
By: Syntax_3rror on 08/01/2023
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%.

Herteit Betta Bastet
By: mrholmes89 on 08/04/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Resistance of ally monsters in Guild Content by 55%.

Herteit Vigor Triana
By: DualMagnums on 11/02/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Resistance of ally monsters in Guild Content by 55%.

Hongyeon Leo Lushen
By: CrowellWTF on 08/26/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%.

JeanneXing ZheOphilia
Jeanne Xing Zhe Ophilia
By: Neartv on 03/29/2024
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Resistance of ally monsters by 41%.

Karl Konamiya Khmun
By: Sugestt on 08/10/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters by 25%.

Karl Loren Konamiya
By: davidfranjul on 09/30/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters by 25%.

Strategy: Strip will with loren and def break, buff atk and fill atk bar with konamiya and oneshot with karl.

Carcano -> Vigor -> Triana
By: davidfranjul on 09/30/2021

Khmun Bastet Odin
By: Neartv on 06/07/2024
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters by 19%.

Khmun Konamiya Karl
By: Dreamy on 01/26/2023
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters by 19%.

Strategy: kona outspd , att bar fill karl, one shot carcano, then vigor.
By: Dreamy on 01/26/2023

Khmun Konamiya Kyle
By: yyyy on 09/02/2023
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters by 19%.

Strategy: boost kyle and target carcano with kyle s1 > s2. double will kyle would be good, sometimes carcano too squishy and pop triana passive with kyle s1 then she sleeps kyle.
By: yyyy on 09/02/2023

Khmun Mina Lisa
By: on 05/17/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters by 19%.

Strategy: mina target carcano then team up again
3 vs 2
By: on 05/17/2021

KuniteEluciaLulu and Friends
Kunite Elucia Lulu and Friends
By: ArchmageGromph on 06/24/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters with Fire attribute by 40%.

Laika Woosa Iris
By: Kiyyun on 06/15/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Defense of ally monsters with Fire attribute by 50%.

Louise Shaina Martina
By: Gravefilla on 02/22/2022
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 44%.

Malaka Aquila Sian
By: PowerDuot on 05/06/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Accuracy of ally monsters with Water attribute by 50%.

Martina Betta Shaina
By: Neartv on 05/27/2024
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%.

Martina Shaina Fran
By: AGIkki on 10/26/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%.

Mirinae Lushen Dova
By: DualMagnums on 09/02/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%.

Mo LongHarmoniaIcares
Mo Long Harmonia Icares
By: Fatal__3rror on 10/08/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters by 33%.

Olivia Woosa Bulldozer
By: Kiyyun on 05/29/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Defense of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%.

Ophilia Theomars Riley
By: TGould on 05/30/2022
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Defense of ally monsters in Guild Content by 44%.

Strategy: Riley not on will, killed Daphnis -> Seara -> Orion
By: TGould on 05/30/2022

PrahaXing ZheAnavel
Praha Xing Zhe Anavel
By: SoroushSani on 08/13/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Resistance of ally monsters by 41%.

Sabrina Belita Chloe
By: on 02/17/2023
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Accuracy of ally monsters in Guild Content by 40%.

Strategy: Tanky fast chloe on will to get first turn with S3 Finatic. Just need enough attack and crit rate on the twins to take out Carcano with one cycle, and it's pretty easy to cleanup first vigor and then triana. Twins on violent will make it even safer.
By: on 02/17/2023

Sabrina Talia Chasun
By: Neartv on 07/10/2024
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Accuracy of ally monsters in Guild Content by 40%.

Seara Bernadotte Orion
By: Arquimago on 05/12/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters by 24%.

Seara Perna Woosa
By: Fearweather on 07/07/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters by 24%.

Skogul Vigor Lulu
By: d4rkbear on 06/13/2022
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Defense of ally monsters by 22%.

Strategy: Skogull and vigor destroye
By: d4rkbear on 06/13/2022

Susano Konamiya Julie
By: Neartv on 04/29/2024
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters with Water attribute by 30%.

Susano Orion Stella
By: Dark.nma on 08/04/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters with Water attribute by 30%.

Strategy: Make sure your team is spd turned and has enough damage to kill carcano first turn.
By: Dark.nma on 08/04/2021

Theomars Masha Perna
By: Neartv on 06/02/2024
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Critical Rate of ally monsters by 24%.

TractorLulu and FriendsMolly
Tractor Lulu and Friends Molly
By: [Kowoshira] on 10/28/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 21%.

Tractor Mihyang Camules
By: Kiyyun on 09/12/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 21%.

Truffle Eshir Harmonia
By: Richcypher on 09/13/2024
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%.

Strategy: Kill carcano first. Use eshir to strip carcano, defense break with truffle, use harmonia to cleanse def breaks and balance hp
By: Richcypher on 09/13/2024

WoosaFeng YanPerna
Woosa Feng Yan Perna
By: ArdarR on 06/24/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Accuracy of ally monsters by 41%.

YeonhwaVigorLulu and Friends
Yeonhwa Vigor Lulu and Friends
By: kwoss on 10/07/2021
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Resistance of ally monsters in Guild Content by 40%.

Strategy: Yeonhwa: Will 40k hp // 1.6k+ def 0 spd
Vigor: Vio destroy 40k hp // 1.6k+ def // 220+ spd
Lulu: Vio will 40k hp // 1.6k+ def // 220+ spd
All 100% resi with resi leader
By: kwoss on 10/07/2021
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