Harmonia Skogul Vigor
Leader Skill:
Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%.

By: 12/31/2021 minram
Tanky + HP Lead, 4* base, Spd Buff, Anti Crit, triple element, immunity, sustain, cleanse, hp switch.
Skogul Derps alot
Attack Sequence:
Harmonia > Vigor > Skogul

Lusha Conrad Bagir
By: michael16 on 09/16/2024
Overall: 5.0 (1 Rating)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters by 15%.

Strategy: Bagir S3 go 1st > Lusha S3 > Conrad S3
Harmonia > Skogul > Vigor
By: michael16 on 09/16/2024

Bulldozer Copper Imesety
By: cyren on 04/17/2023
Overall: 5.0 (1 Rating)

Leader Skill: Increase the Defense of ally monsters in Guild Content by 21%.

Harmonia Arnold Icares
By: Psy on 06/23/2022
Overall: 5.0 (1 Rating)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%.

Delphoi Imesety Copper
By: GA_Kretsche on 01/11/2022
Overall: 5.0 (1 Rating)

Leader Skill: Increase the Defense of ally monsters with Wind attribute by 40%.

Strategy: Copper the Skogul, easy win
By: GA_Kretsche on 01/11/2022

Strategy: Main risk, vio harmonia killing your Copper after vigor sets a def break. Bring destroy runes....
By: Bram_Stoker on 06/02/2022

KuniteLulu and FriendsVigor
Kunite Lulu and Friends Vigor
By: Glacia on 01/20/2022
Overall: 4.8 (6 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters with Fire attribute by 40%.

Strategy: Destroy runes on lulu, main risk destroy runes on Vigor in the def. Turn dmg down on Skogul, then kill harmonia, Vigor and then finish skogul
By: Bram_Stoker on 10/10/2022

Gemini Hraesvelg Leah
By: Raviel966 on 01/18/2022
Overall: 4.5 (2 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters by 19%.

Strategy: Gemini preferably on Despair but Swift works aswell with max Acc.
Gemini Skill 2 -> Barbaric King Skill 3 -> Leah / Light Chun Li Nuke
Team Needs to be tightly speedtuned to avoid Speedy Vigor cutting
Team should be tanky enough to tank 1 Skogul Rock in case gemini has a bad day defbreaking.
Team in General has good Comeback potential due to Leah´s very good Skill 1 damage and Turn cyling with Atk Speed Buff from Barb.
By: Raviel966 on 01/18/2022

Harmonia Vigor Fuuki
By: minram on 12/31/2021
Overall: 4.5 (2 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%.

Strategy: Harmonia > Vigor > Skogul. Destroy preferably on fuuki or vigor to prevent never ending fight. High res on Harmonia.
By: minram on 12/31/2021

Celine Copper Elucia
By: Emr301 on 03/22/2022
Overall: 4.3 (3 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Defense of ally monsters with Wind attribute by 40%.

Strategy: Celine and Elucia has to be speedy, [Skogul>Vigor>Harmonia], s3 skogul with copper, stun sleep freeze both so they cant move s3 vigor again with copper and than same to harmonia gg (G1-2 Siege)
By: Emr301 on 03/22/2022

Garo Imesety Copper
By: Absurd on 03/31/2022
Overall: 4.0 (14 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters with Fire attribute by 30%.

Strategy: Runes : Garo (vamp destroy) Imesety (swift) Copper (Rage/guard).
Scenario : OS Vigor with Copper, then Garo solo.
Risks : 1) Your copper hasn't enough damage / 2) Vigor outspeed and put anticrit / 3) Skogul proc 3 times in a row and Garo dies
By: Absurd on 03/31/2022

Khmun Loren Elucia
By: vovoxpertz on 01/03/2022
Overall: 4.0 (13 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters by 19%.

Strategy: Khmun needs to be on will to tank vigor s3. With loren focus harmonia first, with elucia sleep vigor and freeze with s1.

Your team should be high HP to tank at least 2 skogul rocks.
By: vovoxpertz on 01/03/2022

Khmun Vigor Roid
By: Deeluxe on 06/16/2022
Overall: 4.0 (5 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters by 19%.

Strategy: Focus Vigor first, then anti heal Harmonia, et control Skogul with Roid, and that's it, gg
By: Deeluxe on 06/16/2022

Louise Ganymede Rica
By: Fada. on 05/03/2022
Overall: 4.0 (1 Rating)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 44%.

Triana Kaki Vigor
By: Moonlight on 01/24/2022
Overall: 3.6 (5 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Defense of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%.

Thrain Chloe Sath
By: Battle_Drake on 02/03/2022
Overall: 3.4 (7 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters with Dark attribute by 30%.

Strategy: S3 von Chloe passend zum fallenden Stein von Skogul und win
By: Battle_Drake on 02/03/2022

Eshir Triana Skogul
By: Battle_Drake on 02/03/2022
Overall: 3.0 (4 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 21%.

Strategy: Eshir lead, Skogul auf Vampire/Zerstörung. Dauert bisse aber ist save
By: Battle_Drake on 02/03/2022

Chasun Skogul Fuuki
By: Moonlight on 01/17/2022
Overall: 3.0 (3 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%.

Covenant Dova Lushen
By: Raviel966 on 01/18/2022
Overall: 3.0 (2 Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%.

Strategy: Id say only works if you know the enemy hasn´t too much reduction from Wind and your Lushen is fat enough and your Dova / Teon speedy enough.

3x Fight on Covenant and 85 CR on CD Covenant to have 100 CR on Fire.

Dova Skill 2 on Lushen -> Amp -> Finish Harmonia with Covenant Skill 3.

Teon is a F2P replacement for Dova but has higher rune requirements due to the way lower base Speed.
By: Raviel966 on 01/18/2022

Harmonia Martina Shaina
By: Psy on 05/09/2022
Overall: 2.0 (1 Rating)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%.

Khmun Vigor Loren
By: Psy on 09/12/2022
Overall: 2.0 (1 Rating)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters by 19%.

Eshir Jultan Fuuki
By: Psy on 03/03/2022
Overall: 1.0 (1 Rating)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 21%.

Martina Shaina Triana
By: Raxxaz~ on 03/01/2022
Overall: 1.0 (1 Rating)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%.

SkogulAcasisLulu and Friends
Skogul Acasis Lulu and Friends
By: hiramato on 06/14/2023
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Defense of ally monsters by 22%.

Strategy: skogul 3 destroy
acasis vio/swift + destroy, over +30k hp
lulu tanky, 100% res
By: hiramato on 06/14/2023

Pontos Narsha Nana
By: Glacia on 05/28/2022
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters by 24%.

Harmonia Skogul Eshir
By: Battle_Drake on 01/27/2022
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%.

Strategy: Harmonia (L), Kill Harmonia first.
By: Battle_Drake on 01/27/2022

Vigor Elucia Loren
By: Neartv on 06/27/2024
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters in Guild Content by 21%.

Jultan Elucia Thrain
By: Grrbblbblbl on 12/09/2024
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 16%.

Illianna Sath Thrain
By: Mokka on 01/17/2022
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%.

Strategy: Illianna works very well with thrain, but she can be replaced with other supports like lulu or chloe.
By: Mokka on 01/17/2022

Gemini Lucas Isabelle
By: Callisto on 02/07/2022
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters by 19%.

Strategy: Gemini > Isabelle > Lucas
By: Callisto on 02/07/2022

Covenant Megan Taru
By: Raviel966 on 01/18/2022
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%.

Strategy: Works up until G3.
Key Elements are being Speedtuned to Megan (id say 300+on Megan is required to outspeed fast
Vio Vigors upwards of G2) and having 100 / 50 CR on Covenant / Taru.

Snipe Vigor with Covenant and Skogul with Taru and then finish Harmonia off 3v1.

Artifact Wise Damage on Water on Covenant and Damage on Wind on Taru (especially the Taru Artifact) and Skill 3 CD / CD when Enemy HP High and Atk increasing Effect is required to meet the Damage Caps.
By: Raviel966 on 01/18/2022

Covenant Megan Lushen
By: SteBu309 on 02/22/2022
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%.

Carcano Triana Chasun
By: Wusel on 05/24/2022
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%.
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