Leader Skill:
Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters by 19%.
By: 09/29/2022 Teachersama
Newly buffed Betta is absolutely toxic when on vio runes because she's like a Lulu on steroids. Both Khmun and Eshir can block heals and pray they're not on destroy.
Once you take Betta down, the team loses their toxic protection.
Attack Sequence:
Betta first, then you can basically auto on Eshir. Khmun last. GG.
Khmnun will always give you free shields by hitting Windy. Make sure both Chilling and Windy are on destroy/revenge or you'll be eternally trying to stop them from healing. Lulu can cleanse the heal blocks on Windy. Accuracy is a MUST on Chilling.