Ophilia Kaki Ritesh
Leader Skill:
Increase the Defense of ally monsters in Guild Content by 44%.

By: 10/06/2022 miahgekyo
Ophilia's role is to provoke the offensive team and protect kaki and ritesh, ritesh will heal sustain while kaki do the offensive.
It relies on ophlia's shield and ritesh heal to prolong fight.
Attack Sequence:
Target kaki then ritesh then kill ophilia.
You should go for strip or buff steal when u attack these def team.

Bolverk Elsharion Ramagos
By: miahgekyo on 10/06/2022
Overall: 0.0 (NO Ratings)

Leader Skill: Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 44%.

Strategy: Bolverk was an exceptional counter for buff spammer unit like riley or ophilia, bring elsharion or chilling to steal their buffs that can stacks Bolverk's passive, and let ramagos tank kaki and ophilia and kill them later on his S3 dmg.
By: miahgekyo on 10/06/2022
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