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Name: Jeongnam
Element: Water
Archetype: HP
Family: Dokkaebi Lord
Natural Stars:
Stat Base
HP 12,180
Attack 736
Defense 593
Speed 111
Crit Rate 15%
Crit Damage 50%
Resistance 15%
Accuracy 0%
Game Mechanics:

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Leader Skill:
Increase the HP of ally monsters by 50%.

Violent Swing
Attacks the enemy to inflict damage that increases according to your MAX HP and freezes for 1 turn with a 15% chance.
Damage +5%
Damage +5%
Damage +5%
Effect Rate +5%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +15%
Scales With: ATK and MAX HP
Multiplier Formula: 1.7*{ATK} + 0.19*{MAX HP}

Magical Gourd Bottle
Attacks the enemy to inflict damage by 15% of your MAX HP and steals 1 beneficial effect granted on the target. Leaves a Branding effect for 2 turns if the enemy has no beneficial effects.
(Reusable in 4 turns)
Damage +5%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1
Scales With: MAX HP
Multiplier Formula: 0.15*{MAX HP} (Fixed)

Giant's Bat
Recovers HP of all allies by 20% and attacks all enemies to inflict damage that increases according to your MAX HP and stun for 1 turn. In addition, absorbs the Attack Bar by 40% if your MAX HP is higher than the target.
(Reusable in 5 turns)
Damage +20%
Cooltime Turn -1
Scales With: ATK and MAX HP
Multiplier Formula: 2.4*{ATK} + 0.2*{MAX HP}
Attribute Artifact - Sub Property
ATK+ prop. lost HP, max X%
DEF+ prop. lost HP, max X%
SPD+ prop. lost HP, max X%
SPD w/inability +X%
ATK UP effect +X%
DEF UP effect +X%
SPD UP effect +X%
CRIT Rate UP effect +X%
Counterattack DMG +X%
Co-op attack DMG +X%
Bomb DMG +X%
Reflected DMG +X%
Crushing Hit DMG +X%
DMG taken w/inability -X%
CRIT DMG taken -X%
Life Drain +X%
HP when revived +X%
ATK Bar when revived +X%
Add'l DMG by X% of HP
Add'l DMG by X% of ATK
Add'l DMG by X% of DEF
Add'l DMG by X% of SPD
CD+ as more enemy HP, max X%
CD+ as less enemy HP, max X%
Own turn 1-target CD +X%
Counterattack/Co-op Attack DMG +X%
ATK/DEF UP effect +X%
DMG dealt on Fire +X%
DMG dealt on Water +X%
DMG dealt on Wind +X%
DMG dealt on Light +X%
DMG dealt on Dark +X%
DMG taken from Fire -X%
DMG taken from Water -X%
DMG taken from Wind -X%
DMG taken from Light -X%
DMG taken from Dark -X%
Type Artifact - Sub Property
ATK+ prop. lost HP, max X%
DEF+ prop. lost HP, max X%
SPD+ prop. lost HP, max X%
SPD w/inability +X%
ATK UP effect +X%
DEF UP effect +X%
SPD UP effect +X%
CRIT Rate UP effect +X%
Counterattack DMG +X%
Co-op attack DMG +X%
Bomb DMG +X%
Reflected DMG +X%
Crushing Hit DMG +X%
DMG taken w/inability -X%
CRIT DMG taken -X%
Life Drain +X%
HP when revived +X%
ATK Bar when revived +X%
Add'l DMG by X% of HP
Add'l DMG by X% of ATK
Add'l DMG by X% of DEF
Add'l DMG by X% of SPD
CD+ as more enemy HP, max X%
CD+ as less enemy HP, max X%
Own turn 1-target CD +X%
Counterattack/Co-op Attack DMG +X%
ATK/DEF UP effect +X%
[S1] Recovery +X%
[S2] Recovery +X%
[S3] Recovery +X%
[S1] Accuracy +X%
[S2] Accuracy +X%
[S3] Accuracy +X%
[Skill 3/4] CRIT DMG +X%
First Attack CRIT DMG +X%
Kumar Byungchul Jeongnam
Leader Skill:
Increase the HP of ally monsters by 33%.
Contributed By: michael16 on 10/03/2024 09:03 AM UTC

Ashour Gapsoo Jeongnam
Leader Skill:
Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 38%.
Contributed By: Neartv on 01/31/2025 05:01 PM UTC

Xing ZheJeongnamRacuni
Xing Zhe Jeongnam Racuni
Leader Skill:
Increase the HP of ally monsters by 33%.
Contributed By: Neartv on 09/05/2024 12:31 AM UTC

Ashour Jeongnam Ritesh
Leader Skill:
Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 38%.
Contributed By: Neartv on 01/26/2024 02:32 PM UTC

Dominic Jeongnam Nora
Leader Skill:
Increase the HP of ally monsters by 33%.
Contributed By: Neartv on 05/25/2024 02:32 AM UTC

Xing ZheJeongnamVelajuel
Xing Zhe Jeongnam Velajuel
Leader Skill:
Increase the HP of ally monsters by 33%.
Contributed By: Neartv on 08/30/2024 07:19 PM UTC

JeongnamAbellioMei Hou Wang
Jeongnam Abellio Mei Hou Wang
Leader Skill:
Increase the HP of ally monsters by 50%.
Contributed By: Neartv on 05/26/2024 03:17 AM UTC

Carcano Jeongnam Lora
Leader Skill:
Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 24%.
Contributed By: Neartv on 05/21/2024 02:07 AM UTC
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