Actively Recruiting Guilds
Looking to post recruitment message? Sign up for SWGT on patreon today! Already a SWGT patreon? Enable your recruitment message via your site setup.

Apply Guild: BanditsAcademy
Server: Global
Rank: (G1) Guardian 1BlankBlank
Bandits Training Guild. We help each other progress from noobs to throat stompers. All guild content. Casual competitive farming.
|G1 guild war | G2 siege | SSS Lab|

Guild War: 6AM server time

Feel free to message Talnier#5181 on Discord for further information, or come to channel 145.

Apply Guild: Avora
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Hello!!!! Welcome to Avora!!!
We are G3 siege focus global server guild.
We are a chill G3; like to be sweaty but just enough to enjoy the game.
We are looking for someone to join our family!
Experience in G3 and discord is highly recommended.

Apply Guild: Chow Main
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
We're recruiting. Click apply to view more details. If you have any questions find us on 3838 channel.

Apply Guild: TheLuckyCore
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Entspannt, freundlich, hilfsbereit und mit viel Humor!
Du siehst das genauso? Dann sind wir, die Gilde The LuckyCore genau das richtige fuer Dich!

Was Dich erwartet:
✅️ Gilde: TheLuckyCore
✅️ Server: Europe
✅️ Stammplatzgarantie (Aktivitaet vorausgesetzt)
✅️ Welt-GK: G2 - G3
✅️ BK: G2 - G3
✅️ Labyrinth: SSS (Laby ist Pflicht)

Was wir von Dir erwarten:
✅️ Monster-/Runenpool ist G2 tauglich
✅️ Spass am Spiel
✅️ Aktivitaet im Gildencontent
✅️ Kommunikativ: Line (wuenschenswert) und InGame-Chat
✅️ RealLife hat immer Vorrang, aber eine Info bei Abwesenheit erwarten wir

So kontaktierst Du uns:
✅️ per Line: chefgott
✅️ per Discord: Chefgott#9470
✅️ InGame: Chefgott

Apply Guild: ~BadDragon~
Server: Global
G1 Farm for the next season. Planning to grow into a upper G1-G2 guild next season.
We are a chill group and active on discord.
Leadership has G3 experience and we are looking for people who are active and want to learn.
Apply to grow with us.

Apply Guild: Nu||
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
R3+ Tourney Guild
Sister Guilds with Gambit

Family Friendly group of mature and chill siege enjoyers. We are active on a shared discord with gambit and chat everyday/ stream on siege days. Come join our community!

Our Records:
Season 15: Tournament Round 2
Season 16: Tournament Round 3

Apply Guild: Catac|ysm
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
We're recruiting. Click apply to view more details.

Apply Guild: nX: Unleashed
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
G2 FFA Guild with End of the Season Push for G3!

Apply Guild: Táo.Mèo
Server: Asia
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
We're recruiting. Click apply to view more details.

Apply Guild: Chungus
Server: Global
Rank: (G1) Guardian 1BlankBlank
Welcome to Chungus! We are a close knit community that is looking for people to farm in g1 and be with some cool people. Apply with us or contact eddiexhonphone on discord to apply!

Apply Guild: Awesome
Server: Europe
Rank: (G2) Guardian 2(G2) Guardian 2Blank
Sei nicht irgendwie - sei Awesome!

Der Awesome-Verbund sucht fuer Main (G2-3) und Aufbau-Gilde (P3-G1) weitere Verstaerkung.

Wir bieten:
- eine aktive Discord-Community.
- SWGT mit Build-Showroom und Counterlisten.
- ein Mentoring Programm zur Unterstuetzung beim Account-Progress.
- eine Community, die ueber SW hinaus geht.

Was wir erwarten:
- Verlaesslichkeit
- Freundlichen Umgang
- Kommunikation (bevorzugt per Voice)

Wenn Du also Interesse an competitiven BK hast und die notwendige Motivation mitbringst, bewerbe dich gerne bei uns per PN, Kommentar oder Discord ( ) und werde Awesome!

Apply Guild: DreamyValkyrja
Server: Europe
Rank: (G2) Guardian 2(G2) Guardian 2Blank
We're recruiting. Click apply to view more details.

Apply Guild: [☆MicDrop☆]
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Du bist ein erfahrener Spieler und suchst eine ambitionierte Gilde? Dann bist du bei [☆MicDrop☆] genau richtig! Wir sind eine G3-Gilde, die sich auf GvG, Belagerung und Labyrinth spezialisiert und immer das Maximum herausholt.

Was wir bieten:
🏆 G3-Level in allen Gildenmodi
💬 Discord f�r Taktiken und Austausch
🌌 Organisierte Labyrinth- und Weltboss-Strategien
⚔️ Teamplay auf h�chstem Niveau
Wen wir suchen:
🔥 Aktive Spieler mit G3-Erfahrung
💪 Starke Monster & Meta-konforme Runen
🧠 Strategisches Denken und Verl�sslichkeit
🎯 Teilnahme an allen Gildenmodi
Melde dich ingame bei [1AndOnlyErbse] oder �ber Discord [erbsenpower12]!
⚔️ Schlie�e dich uns an und dominiere mit uns die Schlachtfelder! 🐉

"This text was created by Chat GPT"

Apply Guild: Little Rose
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
We're recruiting. Click apply to view more details.

Apply Guild: Belligerent
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
High effort tourney-pushing G3 guild recruiting to fill 3 siege slots and 2 current bench slots for Season 18.

What we offer:
Helpful Discord community.
SWGT Guild resources.
SSS Guild Content.
Organised Guild Siege.

Apply if interested and we will be in touch via Discord.

Apply Guild: DΑWΝ
Server: Asia
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Recruiting the best players for Top 4 Siege Tournament in Asia Server

Our guild comprises of a combined 14 out of 15 Seasons of Siege Legend Winners

Apply Guild: Ghostx
Server: Global
Rank: (G2) Guardian 2(G2) Guardian 2Blank
Casual old hands G3 siege that enjoys playing the game and doesn’t tilt. Room for 5 in season 17.

Apply Guild: Lokis Krieger
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Der Lokis Verbund sucht dich!

Lokis Krieger -> G3
Lokis S�hne -> high G1/G2
Lokis W�lfe -> Anf�nger Gilde

Wir haben einen Discord Server mit Hilfen f�r alle Fragen und einer freundlichen und aktiven Community!

Was wir ben�tigen:

Lokis Krieger: G2/G3 f�hige Runen und Monsterbox, Spa� und Motivation f�r high BK, JSON Datei (Bewerbung direkt �ber SWGT oder Discord mit JSON)

Lokis S�hne: BK Erfahrung und G1 f�higer Account (Bewerbung ausschlie�lich �ber Discord)

Lokis W�lfe: keine Anforderung (Bewerbung ausschlie�lich �ber Discord)

Discord: reborn.26, eckhard oder garissimo.

Apply Guild: Dragøn Army
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
We're recruiting. Click apply to view more details.

Apply Guild: Peen: Peen
Server: Europe
Rank: (G2) Guardian 2(G2) Guardian 2Blank
For humans looking to play G1-2 Siege.

We've got a core of experienced G3 Players, so we're a good place to pick up on higher level siege.

Apply Guild: GrumpyOG's
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
**Join the GrumpyOGs!**

Are you tired of the drama and looking for a chill, fun guild? The *GrumpyOGs* are here for you! We're a laid-back, experienced group of players who enjoy playing *Summoners War* without all the stress. We value teamwork, consistency, and good vibes.

- Active members, helpful tips
- Friendly environment with no pressure to perform
- Fun and relaxed atmosphere!

Come hang with the OGs! Apply now and let's grind together. 💪👊

Apply Guild: TranslucentSW
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Finished rank 21 in season 17, FFA in G2/low G3 for most of the regular season. Great community, still trying out best and making an end of season push for G3/Tourney. Feel free to apply or message me on discord ".sprtn"

Apply Guild: 鸟人帮
Server: Asia
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
鸟人帮 is recruiting all tryhard players who wish to fight for top 4 next season!

We are speaking mainly English & Chinese! Anyone who has experience in leading will be highly considered :)

Contact Jing @ Line: Jingns4 tele: itzmejing

Apply Guild: Smash Brøs.
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Die Gilde Smash Br�s. sucht Verst�rkung f�r High G3 Siege (letzten beiden Seasons Tunier) mit dem Ziel wieder Tunier zu spielen.
Was wir dir bieten:
⦁ Einen Discord Server mit einigen Countern
⦁ Eine entspannte und hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft
⦁ Tarta, WGB, Siege werden aktiv gespielt.

Was du mitbringst:
⦁ Einen f�r G3 Siege geeigneten Account mit Runen und Artis
⦁ Erfahrung und Motivation f�r High G3 Siege
⦁ Eine Json um dich zu bewerben

Wie du zu uns ins Team kommst?
Entweder bewirbst du dich direkt mit deiner Json �ber SWGT oder du meldest dich per Discord bei: smash_lex oder

Apply Guild: TheFourthTick
Server: Global
Rank: (C3) Conquerer 3(C3) Conquerer 3(C3) Conquerer 3
Ready to UP your game?! Join The Fourth Tick today!!

If you want to improve your game while having fun in a positive, like-minded community you've come to the right place.
We are a relatively new, competitive guild for active, late-game players - led by experienced G3 Siege Tournament players.
We regularly hang out on Discord to share links, pictures, and video/voice chat.

General Information
Established: 11/25/2024
Language(s): English

Current Ranks
PVE (Labyrinth, Monster Subjugation, Rival Battle): SSS
Siege Battle: C3
World Guild Battle: P2

Third-Party Platforms (Required)
Discord: or contact TWF

Apply Guild: #HargSquad
Server: Global
Rank: (G1) Guardian 1BlankBlank
Join #HargSquad, a G1 farming guild that is focused on having fun, clearing SSS labyrinth, and working together as a community to improve! We have a guild Discord that is optional but strongly recommended, and given that you're reading this, we clearly have a guild SWGT! Open spots available for Guild Battle and Siege. DM ted.kord on Discord if you have any questions

Apply Guild: \*V IMPÉRIO*/
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Hi , we are looking for players with experience g3/tourney ! We are international guild , last season we did round 2 and we have for goal r2+

Apply Guild: SW League
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
We're recruiting. Click apply to view more details.

Apply Guild: Eighth Eye
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Send noods to apply to VS :)

Apply Guild: Annihilation
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Guilde Francaise G3 Siege

Nous sommes a la recherche de joueurs ayant une experience G3 +
Objectif : Saison 18 => R1
Condition : +85% WR | Discord | json

Si tu es motive, actif et que tu as l esprit d equipe n hesite pas a nous rejoindre.

Apply Guild: Satellite Lite
Server: Global
Rank: (G2) Guardian 2(G2) Guardian 2Blank
Satellite Lite is a semi casual siege focused G2-G3 guild who finished Rank 46 G3 this past season. We are one in a family of three guilds, us being most competitive. SSS lab/sub, G1-G2 casual WGB. We strive to have all 25 active each match and don't have a winrate requirement but above 75% is preferred. Currently siege rotation (usually 1 game) is based upon inactivity and then lowest winrate. Vacations or breaks etc are ok but you're encouraged to please ask to sit out so that your guildmates can have a shot. We just want to see you participate and enjoy siege with the rest of us! Defenses are tried and theorycrafted by all/any members. We do have discord. If you're a friendly, helpful, respectful individual we would love to have you. We're looking for G2 capable players that have been stuck in G1 guilds or ex G3 members. **Currently ONLY accepting applications from those that have siege macro knowledge/experience. Full-time/few hours and/or mentor role.** Thanks.

Apply Guild: VictoriouScrt
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Send noods to apply to VS :)

Apply Guild: TheOldGuard
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
A G3 guild in siege. Casual most of the season with some effort to finish each season out.

NineBandits Guild

We are on discord here:

Feel free to message Munzke on Discord for further information.

Apply Guild: Naya Jutsu
Server: Europe
Rank: (G2) Guardian 2(G2) Guardian 2Blank
We're recruiting. Click apply to view more details.

Apply Guild: Oz Br Proc
Server: Global
Rank: (G1) Guardian 1BlankBlank
Olá, tudo bem?

Antes de tudo, agradecemos pelo interesse! Nós somos a Oz Br Proc, grupo formado em 2017 atualmente no rank G1/G2.

Já conseguimos pegar legend na gvg antiga, e atualmente estamos em um processo de reestruturação, onde procuramos players com conhecimento e recurso para ter um bom desempenho na gvg e siege ou que tenham motivação e abertura em querer melhorar os ataques e defesas da siege e gvg para alcancar um bom desempenho.

Em nosso nível atual, precisamos que a conta tenha um mínimo de recursos de runas, mobs, e dupes. Então antes de tudo, necessitamos do json da sua conta.

Tutorial para obter o Arquivo Json:

Contato [Oz]WashXon: 11952227161

Apply Guild: Aspen
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Looking for end-game siege attackers & macro. Please enable account summary in your app.
Feel free to message either leads on Discord for more info:
English: kyzor0

據點比賽公會招收據點玩家. 歡迎申請! 帳戶匯總授權必要.
中文: bolly418 / teanivia

Language / 語言: English, 中文
Communication / 溝通方式: Discord

Apply Guild: 1nfinity
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Looking to break into the tournament? Apply here!

Guild: 1nfinity
Server: Global
Language: English
Communication: Discord server
Siege Rank: G3/Tournament
Lab/Monster Sub: SSS
Requirements: active player, mandatory participation in discord, JSON file

Chill guild now tryharding for tournament. Looking to reload a few players to get back into the tourney again. We have members willing to help you improve in siege and RTA but we are looking for people who are ready to put in the effort to improve.

We have an active Discord and basically chat everyday, often hangout in voice and also stream our RTA/siege matches.

Feel free to upload your json and contact me in discord.

Apply Guild: Aphroditє
Server: Asia
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
We're recruiting. Click apply to view more details.

Apply Guild: =PEACE=
Server: Europe
Rank: (C3) Conquerer 3(C3) Conquerer 3(C3) Conquerer 3

🏆 Guilde G1-G2 sur serveur EU, creee en 2015, stable et conviviale, cherchant a stabiliser le G2 tout en restant chill mais active.

🔹 Ce que nous offrons :
✅ Ambiance familiale et entraide
✅ Participation active en Siege, GvG, Laby (SSS), Subjugation (SSS)
✅ Une des guildes les plus anciennes et stables du serveur

🔹 Ce que nous recherchons :
👉 Joueurs motives et actifs en Siege et contenu de guilde
👉 Participation aux evenements et entraide

📌 Rejoins-nous !
💬 Canal in-game : 2626
💻 Discord :
✉️ Contact MP : RaspFR sur Discord

🚀 Pret a faire partie d'une guilde legendaire ?
Rejoins-nous maintenant en envoyant to json !

Apply Guild: Plan Pew Pew
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Guilde francaise recrutant pour du chill g3. Nous privilegions la bonne ambiance et accueillons volontiers les joueurs desirant progresser. ;)

Apply Guild: ChaosCrusade
Server: Europe
Rank: (G2) Guardian 2(G2) Guardian 2Blank
Wir suchen aktive Member, die in Siege wissen was sie tun, gerne Defs bauen und ambitioniert sind.
An sich herrscht FFA, was gegen Ende der Season etwas angehoben wird.
Ziel ist es so hoch wie möglich zu spielen, G2 Abschluss ist momentan im Fokus.

Discord zu haben und zu nutzen ist keine Pflicht, aber natürlich gerne gesehen :)
Wir sind dort eigentlich täglich anzutreffen. Gestreamt wird häufig Gilden Content, RTA,
Monster Runen, etc.. Außerhalb des SW Contents spielen wir auch viele andere Games.
Plus wir teilen auf Discord unseren Def Plan mit oder sonstige Informationen und schlechte Memes.

Eine Json Datei ist dabei von Vorteil, damit wir wissen welche potentiellen Defs wir kreieren können.

Schaut gerne auf Discord vorbei und wir quatschen ne Runde! (add: mteks, stromberg oder maybachleo)


Apply Guild: Babylon
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Here at Babylon, we believe that your day to day life goes first.

Nevertheless, we are aiming for a tryharding environment, settling for nothing less than a G3 finish.

We are english speaking and consist of many amazing people from all around the world no matter if they're f2p or giga whales.

If you bring a good vibe, enjoy giving your best and putting in the effort, you'll fit right in. :)

@thatvenom on Discord to get in contact or submit an application through swgt

Server: Global
Rank: (G1) Guardian 1BlankBlank
We're recruiting. Click apply to view more details.

Apply Guild: TrashProc
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
We're recruiting. Click apply to view more details.

Apply Guild: Critical_Rate
Server: Global
Rank: (C3) Conquerer 3(C3) Conquerer 3(C3) Conquerer 3
Critical Rate is recruiting strong Siege players intending to reach G1/G2 in our first season!

⟹ Click the apply button now! ⟸

We are a new, friendly, active guild, with players committed to improving and growing together. We are looking for dedicated Siege players who want to contribute to achieving our goals and are willing to learn and improve as a team.

➤ Goal: Reach G1/G2
➤ Active on Discord to coordinate strategies and improve skills
➤ Focus on guild content

We have experienced players who will guide newcomers, helping them reach their full potential in Siege. If you're looking for a guild where you can contribute, learn, and enjoy Siege content, join us!

For more information, feel free to contact [zorroak] on Discord.

Apply Guild: HypеrАсtive
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
We're recruiting. Click apply to view more details.

Apply Guild: EatMySins
Server: Global
Rank: (G1) Guardian 1BlankBlank
[GLOBAL] Nine Bandits community. We breathe siege. Large Discord oriented community. Multiple siege tournament guilds, a community aimed at growth and progression in guild siege content.

Apply Guild: DonLegendz
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
BK spielen wir taktisch und kein FFA im G3 Bereich.

Apply Guild: Mythril
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Late game, like minded players welcome to apply. Please allow the account summary feature with your application to expedite the process.

Apply Guild: Vøid
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Season 18 R2 Tournament Push. We Have Reformed For This Season And Plan To Decimate. We're A Laid Back Group And Love To Joke...But No Drama. Never Drama.

Apply Guild: Syndicate!
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Siege Tournament

Recruiting siege demons and end game players. Add kagesyn or gloomybearr on discord or apply

Apply Guild: R.E.D
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
RED is a siege focused tourney guild looking to challenge at the highest level.

Feel free to message supreme#0944 on Discord for further information.

Apply Guild: La7e Compagnie
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
We're recruiting. Click apply to view more details.

Apply Guild: Nefarious 2.0
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Nefa still looking for people into g3 siege, if you are intrested just hit apply button!

Apply Guild: The Exiles
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Established sweaty G3 progression guild with 90% guild-wide winrate seeking tournament level siege hitters. Active community on and offline. Feel free to message _pangi on discord for more information.

Apply Guild: SemRunas
Server: Global
Rank: (G1) Guardian 1BlankBlank
Guild SemRunas recrutando membros focados em conteúdo de guild. Em busca do G2 nessa temporada!
Guild com padronização de atk e def, bastante organizada. Focamos na evolução dos nossos membros.
Server: Global
Linguagem: Português

Apply Guild: Rock Bottom
Server: Europe
Rank: (G1) Guardian 1BlankBlank
﴾ Recruiting for High G1-G2 ﴿

Semi-FFA, aiming for a strong late-season push

﴾ Contact ﴿

Discord: @Noonyn, @Genesistao

Apply Guild: Bird of ashes
Server: Europe
Rank: (G1) Guardian 1BlankBlank
We're recruiting. Click apply to view more details.

Apply Guild: Arcadie
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
We're recruiting. Click apply to view more details.

Apply Guild: KΛIJŪ
Server: Europe
Rank: (G2) Guardian 2(G2) Guardian 2Blank
Nous recrutons pour du niveau "G2".
Recherchons des joueurs actifs, désirant jouer de manière collective, organisée et participant à la bonne ambiance de la guilde.

Apply Guild: 光之聖界
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Welcome join us and active at guild activities. We wish to have Chinese people could fight together for the siege reward and have fun in this guild:) Players could join siege opening or C2+ be familiar to SWGT will be preferred.

請加我 pm
wechat: CyanGUZUZU

Apply Guild: All Stars~
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Nous cherchons des joueurs niveau "G3", actifs et sérieux, qui souhaitent tryhard le siège avec nous.

Nos objectifs :
Siège : G3 85% de wr minimum
GvG Interserveur : G3

Nous avons un discord très actif, où vous pourrez discuter avec nos membres et ceux de nos guildes annexes, avec des vocaux rta/summon, des conseils etc.
Tu te sens chaud ? N'hésite pas et postule !

Apply Guild: Prøject: Zer0
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Prøject: Zer0
FFA Ziel Tourney
Du bist G3 Spieler, willst aber kein tryhard die ganze Season?
Dann bist du hier richtig!
Sehr gepflegter Discord. Nette, familiäre Gemeinschaft.

Apply Guild: V0X POPULI
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
We have 3 guilds that will feed players back and forth. Both guilds will be using full defenses for WGB and Siege, labyrinth also required.

Contact vox.riot or Rynn#3401 on discord for more information

Apply Guild: Aces of war
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Aces Of War is recruiting. Tourney push?? S18

Apply Guild: Reisfarmer
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3

Wir sind die Reisfarmer!
Eine Gilde die zwar ein wenig Leistungssorientiert ist, sich aber trotzdem nicht zu ernst nimmt.
Bei uns ist keine Frage zu peinlich und jeder hilft dem anderen. :)

Du hast Bock auf lustige Leute die allesamt Spa� am Spiel haben, dann bist du bei uns genau richtig!

Wir bieten:

� Gildenlevel: 30
� Welt-GK: G2-G3
� BK: High-G2-G3 (bei guter Performence ist dir ein Stammplatz sicher)
� Laby: SSS (beteiligung ist Pflicht)

Du bringst mit:

� Monster-/Runenpool ist High-G1 tauglich
� Aktivit�t im Gildencontent
� Betritt in unseren Gildendiscord
� Spa� am Spiel

Apply Guild: Ipséité
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
We're recruiting. Click apply to view more details.

Apply Guild: S W A G
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
We're recruiting. Click apply to view more details.

Apply Guild: V0X Integritas
Server: Global
Rank: (G1) Guardian 1BlankBlank
G1 siege. Labyrinth focus with SSS clear. Looking for active members all content. Opportunity to move up to our G3 guild if your siege performance is strong enough.

Apply Guild: GodsArmy I
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
We're recruiting. Click apply to view more details.

Apply Guild: Dutch
Server: Europe
Rank: (G1) Guardian 1BlankBlank
Guild naam: Dutch
Gesproken taal: Nederlands, Vlaams
Server: Europe

Guild Rivals: SSS
Monster Subjugation:SSS
World Guild Battle: G1
Siege: G1-G2
Labyrint: SS(S)

Labyrint/Siege, focus op de markers en communiceer indien nodig (deel siege replays als iets niet lukt)

Zoek je nog een Nederlandstalige guild? Dan ben je van harte welkom bij de Dutch community!
Dutch is een onderdeel van 2 Dutch guilds. Wil je in Dutch? Neem dan via LINE contact op met Jaderoy. Je wordt pas toegelaten als je een bericht hebt gestuurd via LINE. Guildwar en siege hebben rune/monster requirements, dit wordt per speler bekeken.
Er is ook nog Dutch2.1 (Line: voltexsw) als je wat minder ervaren bent of nog Guardian 1-2 siege nog een te grote uitdaging is. Doorgroeien naar hogere guilds is ook zeker een mogelijkheid.

Apply Guild: Serotonina
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
We're recruiting. Click apply to view more details.

Apply Guild: Die Company
Server: Europe
Rank: (G2) Guardian 2(G2) Guardian 2Blank
Willkommen bei der deutschen Gilde Die Company!

Wir sind auf der Suche nach aufstrebenden als auch etablierten Spielern im Bereich G2/G3.

Was wir dir bieten:
⦁ Einen Discord Server mit Guides zu jedem Content
⦁ Eine entspannte und hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft
� Semi-FFA Siege mit Abschlussziel G3

Was wir von dir erwarten:
⦁ Einen Account mit Runen und Artis f�r G2/G3 Siege
⦁ Motivation f�r G2/G3 Siege
⦁ Eine Json um dich zu bewerben

Bewirb dich direkt bei SWGT!

Apply Guild: GodsArmy
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Ihr sucht eine neue Gilde? Dann aufgepasst! Ich habe ein Angebot f�r euch, dass ihr nicht ausschlagen k�nnt. 😈

Wir sind GodsArmy, die �lteste aktive deutsche Gilde auf dem EU-Server und suchen noch einige Mitstreiter, die bei uns ein neues zu Hause finden ... vor allem f�r unsere G3 Gilden.

Wir sind eine freundliche und entspannte deutsche Community mit 6 Gilden und 150-180 Spielern sowie ein paar guten und nicht ganz so guten Freunden. 😎

Wir haben f�r jeden Spielstil etwas im Angebot und versuchen Spieler mit �hnlicher Motivation und Leistungsbereitschaft in unseren Gilden zusammenzubringen - und gemeinsam besser werden. 😼

Im groben sind unsere Gilden folgend aufgeteilt:
GodsArmy 0 -> High G3 mit Tournament-Ambitionen
GodsArmy 1 -> G2-G3 mit kleinem FFA
GodsArmy 2 -> High G1
GodsArmy 3 -> Slacker/Full FFA
GodsArmy Z -> Low G1
GodsArmy X -> Unsere "Anf�ngergilde"


Apply Guild: SayWhen
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
G3/borderline Tourney guild most seasons.
VS Family
Top finish: Rank 22 season 12

Looking for members who are serious about competing and want to push tourney. Leads run Macro - new members are welcome to try their hand at it.,

Apply Guild: Hunters Wars
Server: Europe
Rank: (G2) Guardian 2(G2) Guardian 2Blank
🇮🇹 HunterNux 🇮🇹

Gilda Italiana nata dalla fusione degli HuntersWars e ⋟Nux⋞ recluta giocatori attivi per competere e migliorare nei rank Siege/GWB G2/G3.
Per informazioni, contattare in game: Yuraki, Vesselz, Davide_23

Guild: HunterNux
Server: Europe
Language: Italian
Communication: Whatsapp
Siege Rank: G3/G2
Lab/Monster Sub: SSS
Requirements: Active player, mandatory participation in Whatsapp, JSON file.

Last sieges:
G1 (103 - 17 Season)
G3 (49 - 16 Season)
G3 (46 - 15 Season)

Apply Guild: ᴍoshΐᴍoshΐ
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
LF active players able to do G2/G3 guild content
Server: Europe
Siege Rank: G2/G3
WGB rank: G2
Labyrinth Rank: SSS

Apply Guild: Death Watch
Server: Global
Rank: (G1) Guardian 1BlankBlank
G1/2 Casual Siege & WGB

Apply Guild: Dopamina
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
We're recruiting. Click apply to view more details.

Apply Guild: Fury
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3

We are late to end-game, family-orientated players aiming for tourney. Leads will put in the time and effort to help people improve their win rates so that we may achieve our goal. We ask only that our members are teachable and thoughtful in drafting and runing!
Looking for people who strive for 90%+ win rate. 81.9% average win rate across all members in Season 14, we are working hard to raise this bar!

Other guilds in the family:
Fury Two

Discord Contact: acer7690, Kraedi

Apply Guild: Pandøra
Server: Europe
Rank: (G1) Guardian 1BlankBlank
Willkommen bei Pandøra!
Wir sind eine familiäre Gilde im G1 Bereich und legen viel Wert auf Aktivität und Teamfähigkeit. Gildencontent darf und soll nicht vernachlässigt werden.
Laby Pflicht (SSS) / Monsterunterwerfung Sa: 15Uhr / Wgk: Ampelregel!
Bist du brereit, dich uns anzuschließen?

Apply Guild: N.U.E.
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
N.U.E. is a solid G3 guild looking for dedicated siege players who wish to compete in G3 sieges and push for Tourney! We regularly use discord and SWGT to help members improve. Unlike many other high level guilds, we value committed membership and participation which means we prefer to help players improve first instead of kicking them without notice. We provide customized resources and member-exclusive monthly-themed challenges to promote fun, theory crafting teams for guild content. If you're looking for a welcoming but still serious guild and you want to retire from the high-demanding expectations from g3 tourney guilds, please apply with your .json!

Apply Guild: Fury Two
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Welcome! We're looking to finish G3 status and need YOUR support.
Season 15: Rank 21

We are late to end-game, family-orientated players. If interested in joining please also message us via Discord.

Being in the Fury family also allows you to be trained to have what it takes and apply for the main guild so you can try for tournament level siege when you are ready!

Monster Subjugation starts at 9 AM PST Thursday

Other guilds in the family:

Discord Contact: Kraedi

Apply Guild: Nøah
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
New guild with former top 4 siege players looking for experienced players willing to keep improving and learning all together.

Apply Guild: Clover Leaf
Server: Asia
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3

Apply Guild: BereGratis
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
**Guild Info:**
• Guild Name: BereGratis
• Server: Europe server
• SIEGE: G3-High G3
• Labyrinth: SSS
• Language: English
• Activity on Siege days
• 90%+ Winrate
• add qTheBlack on Discord for further information

Apply Guild: Ørigiи
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
We're recruiting. Click apply to view more details.

Apply Guild: UnholyAlliance
Server: Global
UnholyAlliance is looking for players in G1 guilds who are serious about improving their gameplay and guild communities! Discord required, but we will help you get set up upon acceptance :) Happy farming and guild content to you!

Apply Guild: [haVoc]
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
We're recruiting. Click apply to view more details.

Apply Guild: Héludia
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
H�ludia passe au choses s�rieuses et recherche des joueurs motiv�s pour atteindre tournoi lors de la saison 18. Une exp�rience G3 est grandement appr�ci�e
Requis: Discord & json obligatoire
Alors si tu penses correspondre � ce que l'on recherche n'h�site pas � postuler nous �tudierons ton profil avec attention.

Server: Asia
Rank: (G1) Guardian 1BlankBlank


Apply Guild: IṨṨΘ⇜ 
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Hey 🐝 Welcome to IṨṨΘ⇜. International tryhard/-tourney guild still looking for strong players // R3+ // contact DC sanny_

Apply Guild: Solidarity
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
We're recruiting. Click apply to view more details.

Apply Guild: EpicKnights
Server: Global
Rank: (G1) Guardian 1BlankBlank
Buscamos gente de habla hispana

Actualmente hacemos laberinto SSS , Siege G1 , Gremio mundial G1.

Apply Guild: Медведь
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Ру гилд, цель турик, 95+ вр.
Бан атак, опытное новое руководство.
ТГ, Дискорд. Прием заявок с опытом в 3 рубинах

Ru guild. Goal - r1+, 95+ wr
LF players with G3 experience
TG, discoard

Apply Guild: Doubt
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
We're recruiting. Click apply to view more details.

Apply Guild: N.E.O.N
Server: Asia
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
We're recruiting. Click apply to view more details.

Apply Guild: Λpoca|ypse
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Apoc is the sister guild of Skyfall and a home for veteran players looking to relax but remain in a tourney guild, or aspiring tourney players eager to learn from them.

Please send in an application or reach out to jx9 on discord!

Apply Guild: Thousand Suns
Server: Europe
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
Thousand Suns is currently recruiting strong players for G3 siege with R2+ tournament goal!

⟹ Click the Apply button now! ⟸

Chill and active EU guild with many players that have tournament experience and are willing to guide G3 siege players to break into tournament as well!

➤ G3 Siege (Season 17 Rank 16 - R1)
➤ G3 Siege (Season 16 Rank 14 - R1)
➤ G3 WGB (Top 30)
➤ SSS Lab & Sub (Top 15)

For further information feel free to reach out to gla. (with dot) on Discord.

Apply Guild: Ocitocina
Server: Global
Rank: (G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3(G3) Guardian 3
BR Tournament Guild, rising from the ashes.

Guilda BR focada em torneio, ressurgindo das cinzas!

Account Summary Requerido/Required
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Designed By Cerusa |
Support my work on Patreon (Guild or Personal)
Monster and Siege Map images belong to Com2Us